Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Panasonic says "Hollywood damaged 3D"

Panasonic Marketing Director Andrew Denham has criticised Hollywood for releasing substandard 3D movies.

At the recent Intellect Consumer Electronics show he made some pretty scathing remarks
"It all comes back to quality," Denham said. "Hollywood damaged 3D by rushing so many badly converted films out in the Avatar's wake."

He added, "What we need now is the next level, the next Avatar. And that's a big ask, I think." Denham was not alone in his disapproval. Channel Director of Sky 3D John Cassey seemed to agree, "It's very easy to make bad 3D."

He told the show's panel, "At Sky we only make native 3D programmes, and our first stage of production is always to forget about the 3D altogether.” With industry giants like Panasonic and Sky making such incendiary remarks, could the future of 3D be under threat?

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