Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Nancy Grace On Casey Anthony Verdict: ‘In The End, Tot Mom’s Lies Seemed To Have Worked’

HLN’s Nancy Grace has been keeping a very close eye on the Casey Anthony case to the point that she has become nearly synonymous with coverage of the Florida woman’s trial. So, naturally, the moment jurors announced that Anthony had been found not guilty of murder, manslaughter and neglect, many immediately wondered, “What will Nancy Grace have to say about all this?”

I absolutely cannot believe that Caylee’s death has gone unavenged. And there you see a group hug by the defendants. “Tot Mom” will be walking free. She’s headed back to jail. Sentencing for a few lesser counts, false information she released, will take place 9 a.m. sharp Thursday morning. And you gotta wonder what the state is thinking now. They gave it their all; they gave it 200 percent. They gave scientific evidence like none ever seen in the country before, behavioral evidence that knocked everybody off of their seat But, in the end, Tot Mom’s lies seemed to have worked.

Grace then gave a graphic description of what became of Caylee, adding that the little girl will “continue to be in our hearts.”

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