Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Adrianne Curry Got KICKED OUT of Comic Con in San Diego


It seems everyday more knockouts are coming forward to vow their allegiances unto all things dweeby, and first among those sexy ladies is the former Mrs. Brady, Adrianne Curry.

The Next Top Model was commissioned to sign some autographs and meet some fans at the convention on Saturday, but security guards were having none of her revealing Aeon Flux ensemble. In true obsessive fandom fashion, the costume was very close to the animated depiction so many fans are familiar with, but apparently, what flies with cartoons doesn’t always fly in the real world, at least not in Comic-Con in this case.

Curry was forced to leave immediately afterward to change into something more appropriate. Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about this whole thing. Yes, Comic Con is supposed to be appropriate for all types of patrons, but anyone who complains about a sexy woman in authentic costuming isn’t worth being heard, especially within the confines of a nerd paradise.

I guess it was a little too much for all the nerds to handle....

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